Central Student Advisory and Orientation Office (ZSB)

Welcome! Our office is the first point of contact and advice for all concerns regarding studying at the TU Darmstadt (exception: international applications). In addition to information and orientation, we offer support in the independent development of individual solutions.

Counselling and mental health support

When in need of personal counselling, or in an acute mental crisis, you may contact the following offices, even at off-peak times.

Reduced ZSB availability in July/August

From mid-July to mid-August, the availability of the ZSB is somewhat limited due to the holiday period. Replying to emails in particular may take longer than planned.

We thank you for your understanding.

That's the ZSB!

What do we actually do and how can you contact us? Get to know the ZSB of TU Darmstadt.

Study orientation

For schools

All offers for schools can be found on our overview page .

Principles for Academic Studies and Teaching

The “Principles for Studying and Teaching”, adopted in November 2022, are the result of a broad discussion at the university in which all status groups actively participated over a period of twelve months.

This document reflects our understanding of teaching and learning. It presents guidelines and quality goals for the design of our study programmes and takes into account current social and technical challenges. This includes considerations on how the digitalisation of studies and teaching should be sensibly designed, how to deal with diversity, how the issue of sustainability should be included in the curricula of our degree programs, how to include broad international experiences when studying at TU Darmstadt as well a statement to promote the health of our student body. Long established profile elements of study at our university, such as research-oriented teaching and interdisciplinarity, have of course been retained.

The principles for studying and teaching formulate quality goals on:

  • outstanding academic performance
  • focus on our students‘ needs
  • personal education and development
  • appreciative interpersonal relationships
  • culture of openness
  • good studiability

In addition to being aimed at students, the principles also focus on the teachers who, as outstanding researchers and didactically competent teaching personalities, are central to achieving the quality goals that have been set.

The principles for studying and teaching adopted in 2022 will be taken into account in the development of Bachelor's, Master's and teaching degree programmes. They also form the basis of the academic continuing education programmes. The principles for studying and teaching are thus part of the quality management of TU Darmstadt and support the implementation of changes.

Satisfied students at TU Darmstadt

By the way, the vast majority of all students and graduates at TU Darmstadt are (very) satisfied with their studies overall, according to the TU Study Survey (opens in new tab) and the last Bachelor's graduate survey (opens in new tab). 1.5 years after finishing the Master's degree, the majority of graduates have found a permanent job (70%), 25 % are persuing their PhD, according to the Master's graduate survey (opens in new tab).