Advice and orientation services for (prospective) students

We are the primary contact at TU Darmstadt for all questions about studying and orientation and counsel pupils/prospective students and students, but also teachers, schools, parents and professionals. We provide information on all topics related to study decisions, planning and organisation, and we support students in finding solutions for any difficulties which might arise during the academic progress.

Counselling and mental health support

When in need of personal counselling, or in an acute mental crisis, you may contact the following offices, even at off-peak times.

Other central contacts

If you have further questions regarding your current application process, please contact the relevant offices directly:

International prospective students: International Admission .

Applicants with a German university entrance eligibility and application number: Student service

Reduced ZSB availability in July/August

From mid-July to mid-August, the availability of the ZSB is somewhat limited due to the holiday period. Replying to emails in particular may take longer than planned.

We thank you for your understanding.

General telephone consultation

We are available on Tuesdays from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. under 06151/1627015. On January 16, 2024, the general telephone consultation hours will be from 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm only. Thank you for your understanding..

Individual appointments

Personal advice and guidance is highly important to us. Arrange your individual appointment via our platform assisto.beranet. There you can choose between on-site, telephone, chat and video. Upon your request, on-site appointments can be held via telephone or video. In this case, please contact your student advicer directly. In order for us to be able to provide you with good support, it is helpful for us to have some initial information about your concerns in your registration mail. We will usually answer your request within 2 working days.

Buchen Sie hier Ihren individuellen Beratungstermin. / Book your consultation appointment here.

Individual appointments

Personal advice and guidance is highly important to us. Arrange your individual appointment via our platform assisto.beranet. There you can choose between on-site, telephone, chat and video. In order for us to be able to provide you with good support, it is helpful for us to have some initial information about your concerns in your registration mail. We will usually answer your request within 2 working days.

Übersicht Termine und Orte

We provide information, orientation and support services for all non-specific, general questions about studying. If necessary, we refer you to the relevant office. Our counselling has an open outcome and is always confidential.

Examples of our wide range of counselling topics:

Before studying:

  • Deciding on a degree programme
  • Study options/Courses offered
  • Admissions procedure
  • Preparing for studies

During studies:

  • Learning and work difficulties
  • Change of degree programme
  • Studying abroad
  • Change of university
  • Withdrawal/de-registration

General concerns:

  • Financial needs
  • Family problems
  • Contact difficulties, identity problems
  • Support service also for parents and teachers

Your feedback is important for us!

Have you already been to our advice and orientation service or contacted us in any other way?

Then we would be pleased to receive your feedback (processing time max. 5 minutes)!

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

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